
>                                                  池田 豊
The following story is not an amusing story per se, however, it sure is an amazing story!



原本の題名は、Nestorian Missionary Enterpriseです。このイントロダクションのP31-32にこのような文章が掲載されていましたので、日本語に訳してみました。









 There is evidence that there were Christians in Japan before the close of the eighth century.  That there were not only strong Christian communities, but Christian kings and Christian generals in China and in the countries adjoining, before the middle of the seventh century, is equally well authenticated.  The same is true of Mongolia, Siberia, in the neighbourhood of Lake Baikal, India north as well as south.  Ceylon, Burmah and the straits of Malacca.

 Indeed the difficulty is to find a place in all Asia where Nestorian Christians or missionaries had not gone.  They occupied positions of influence and importance, and one at least of the Mongol emperors is known to have been a Christian, while the wives of several were Christians and exerted a wholesome Christian influence.  

 Wherever they went they carried their culture with them and taught the people the art of letters.  

 The Philippine islands were so far advanced at the time of Spanish conquest 1569, that ability to read and write was more generally diffused there than among the common people of Europe.  There were many villages where not a single boy or girl could be found who could not read and write.  The native language was called Tagal (Tagalog today), one of the most highly developed of the Malayo-Polynesian forms of speech, and alphabetic writing was in common use.

 After the arrival of the Spaniards the people of Luzon made translations of every kind of literature from Spanish into Tagal.  For the ability to do this they were almost certainly indebted in the first instance to the missionary teaches of the ‘Church of the East.’

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